Mo About Us

Cafe Mojo is a beverage trailer that was modified, decorated, and outfitted by the grace and guidance of God, and by the patient, giving, talented input of sons, sisters, friends, community members, local businesses, and one very tolerant husband. 

Why MoJo?  The word mojo is defined as that positive spirit that starts from the inside and radiates to the outside.  When the idea for this business first began, the goal was create a place for customers to stop in for a healthy treat and celebrate the small victory of just making it to another day.  Life is hard! We are hard on ourselves!  So at Cafe Mojo, you will always find a smile, a word of encouragement, and a delicious beverage that you can enjoy guilt free.  Indulge a little, and be kind to yourself. We are all doing the best we can, and you know what, that is perfectly enough!    

What does it mean to find your mojo? It means you have regained your confidence,
energy, or enthusiasm and you believe in your success!  No matter how many mistakes are made, no matter how many obstacles or difficulties are on your path, you CAN take the next step towards your goal.  One step, one success, one day at a time.  Cafe Mojo represents the energy, enthusiasm, and belief in myself that I found when starting this business.